Main features
All notification procedure forms Create and fill in almost automatically. Use your own template for every required movement document with just a few clicks. |
Qualified electronic signature |
Numerous languages ZEDAL provides forms for transboundary shipment of waste in a variety of languages, such as English, German, French, Italian, Danish and Dutch. Implementation of additional languages available on request. |
Add-ons Adjust ZEDAL to your own needs with add-ons. |
Transparent pricing ZEDAL values a transparent cost structure. Get an overview here. |
Common communication implemented ZEDAL offers very flexible means of communication. You can exchange data with your customers even if they are no ZEDAL partners. Just print out the internationally recognized forms, send them by fax directly from ZEDAL or use ZEDAL’s own email interface to send all kinds of data. |
Connection to external systems ZEDAL additionally offers the possibility to connect to any operational business process system. |
Time saving ZEDAL’s handling is easy. Thousands of customers, from individual companies to united groups and governmental agencies, are highly satisfied with ZEDAL’s working environment. Once customized, this application saves you a considerable amount of time. |
Perfect service As a ZEDAL customer you get software support free of additional charge. As special service we offer you seminars and training courses at low cost. And of course you get current information concerning ZEDAL and international developments in legislation through the built-in information area and – if you have subscribed to it – from our newsletter. |
For an overview of the features please download the PDF here. |